PARMA Connect Account Info:

Official Exhibitor Contact:

The following contact information is collected for internal purposes.
( ) - x
( ) - x

Bill To Contact:

The following information will be used when generating invoices.
( ) - x
( ) - x

Exhibitor Information

The following information will be used in the printed Show directory, the PARMA Connect Planner and mobile app, in addition to all other printed materials. The deadline to update your information to be included in the print materials is November 19, 2023.
Note: This is also the name of the person who will appear in the show directory.
( ) - x

Directory and Listing Info:

The following information will be used in the printed Show directory, the PARMA Connect Planner and mobile app, in addition to all other printed materials. The deadline to update your information to be included in the print materials is November 19, 2021.
( ) - x
( ) - x
You can select up to 3 Categories.

Image Verification:

Image Verification