Booth: N108
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SimpleShot is the world's premier manufacturer of modern, adult slingshots and slingbows. We offer award winning designs that are made 100% in the USA for the world. Your customers will love our products and they are the perfect partner for marksmanship enthusiasts, preppers and folks who love... (more)
For all SHOT 2019 attendees who place an opening dealer order with SimpleShot at the show, we will ship your first order for free. Also, any orders placed at SHOT 2019 can make their first opening dealer order without minimums.
Categories: Airgun & Airsoft Products, Hunting Gear & Accessories, Survival Kits/First Aid, Training and Safety Equipment, Wholesaler/Distributor
Company's Categories:
Primary Arms Haix North America Inc. MagPump - Booth 111 Head Down Firearms