
Instructor/Speaker(s): 201 - 210 of 280
Mr. Reinhardt Seidel
Research Assistant, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg,
Institute for Factory Automation and Production Systems (FAPS)
Reinhardt Seidel has been a research associate at the Chair of Manufacturing Automation and Production Systems since 2018. In his work, he researches and develops different modeling approaches for model-based process optimization of the selective wave soldering process and other processes in electronics production....
Mr. Robert Rowland
Director of Engineering
Axiom Electronics, LLC
Rob is the Director of Engineering at Axiom Electronics in Hillsboro, Oregon. He has over 35 years of experience with surface mount manufacturing technology and reflow soldering....
Mr. Robert Weber
Technology Director
Fischer Technology
Rob Weber is the Technical Director for Fischer Technology. Located in Windsor, CT, Rob manages the product and application support functions for Fischer’s extensive line of coating thickness measurement instrumentation....
Mr. Roger Massey
Technical Marketing Manager
Atotech Group
Roger gained his degree in Materials and Microstructural Engineering from Sheffield Hallam University before continuing with post graduate work at The University of Northumbria at Newcastle. He has only ever worked within the electronics industry, initially developing thick film and power hybrids for medical and military applications before joining the global automotive group of Motorola as a specialist in wire bonding and soldering applications....
Mr. Todd Harris
Packaging R&D Engineer
Todd Harris is a Packaging R&D Engineer working for Intel. He has over 25 years of industry experience and has worked at Intel for 18 years with a focus on SMT Assembly and PCB Fabrication.
Mr. Tom Derry
Chief Executive Officer
Institute for Supply Management
Tom Derry is Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for Supply Management, with more than 30 years of experience in leadership and general management roles for public and private companies, and in the not-for profit sector....
Mr. Tomohiro Fukao
Research Manager
Panasonic Corporation of North America
Tomohiro Fukao is the research manager of the Electronic Materials Division of Panasonic Corporation of North America based on Mountain View, California. Fukao is responsible for researching next-generation technology and identifying new material development opportunities....
Mr. Tyler Dunbar
Research and Development Manager
Butler Technologies, Inc. (BTI)
Tyler Dunbar is the Research and Development Manager at Butler Technologies, Inc. (BTI), with 8 years experience in manufacturing and product testing....
Mr. Venk Varadan
CEO & Co-founder
Venk is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Nanowear, a growth stage, healthcare-at-home digital monitoring and machine learning diagnostic platform. Nanowear’s SimpleSense platform is the first-and-only healthcare-at-home platform powered by proprietary FDA-approved, cloth-based nanotechnology, which simultaneously and time synchronously monitors and assesses the heart, lungs, central vascular and hemodynamic systems by replacing 7 first-line diagnostics tools....